Cigar RSS
The History Behind Our Fine Cigars
The Puerto Rico 965 is our Puerto Rican jewel. The number “965” has a worlds of history behind it. Puerto Rico is known for growing some of the best tobacco in the world. With cheap labor crops were found everywhere. Slowly throughout the years tradition was lost. Around 1990 the university of Puerto Rico created an experimental crop taking thousands of acres. After eight years of growing batch “965” was born. JFC Tobacco bought the whole lot. Since then we have carefully used this tobacco as the filler in our complete line of cigars. Puerto Rico 965 starts off with the...
Payback is a book written by one of our loyal customers. Ramon del Villar is well known and highly respected English-Spanish translator in Texas's Southern District U.S. Courts. He is now residing in Houston after he migrated (legally) from his h homeland, Mexico. In this his first published novel, he skillfully brings up to us his expertise, both in the judiciary proceedings and his knowledge of people involved in narco-traffic with very witty remarks about behavior and reactions by Hispanics and Anglos: "You have the right to remain silent. If you speak, anything you say may and will be used against...
Puerto Rico 965, Boricua como tu!
El primer tercio de este cigarro Puertorriqueño consiste de un sabor a cedro. Bien leve en el paladar. El humo es consistente nuves blancas y espesas. A medida que el cigarro se quema tiene una fuerte ceniza blanca. Cuando sigas disfrutando del cigarro alrededor del segundo tercio , el gusto del 965 se vuelve un poco más fuerte, pero consistentemente aromático y buen gusto. Combina muy bien con ron añejo o coñac. The first third of this Puerto Rican cigar consist of a cedar taste. Very light on the palette. The smoke is a consistent heavy white. Once the cigar...